The picturesque Kau Ling Chung Campsite marks the start point of this section. Kau Ling Chung features a viewing point up on a hilltop at the east overlooking the most southwesterly waters of Hong Kong and the century-old South Lantau Obelisk, which, as the counterpart of the North Lantau Obelisk in Tai O, indicates the southernmost part of the New Territories ceded by the Qing government. As you head for Shek Pik Reservoir along the coast, you can catch glimpses of Soko Islands. If you opt for the route near Tai Long Wan during rainy seasons, chances are you can get a view of the waterfall overflowing into the bay. Near the footpath that passes through Tai Long Wan Village, there lies Shek Pik Hung Hau Ancient Temple, where Hung Shing Ye and Hau Wong Yeung Leung-jit,(Not sure spelling) who helped the last Emperor of the Southern Sung Dynasty to flee to Lantau Island and Kowloon City, are worshipped by locals. Traversing three campsites, picnic facilities, and a number of bays within a short distance, Section Eight is ideal for picnickers.