Shing Mun Reservoir Walk
Recommended Route
Transportation Information
Route Map
The map below shows the route and scenic spots along the hiking trail.
For details, please refer to the transportation information above and photos below.
Nearby Attraction
#Shing Mun Butterfly Garden
#Paperbark Trees in Shing Mun
#Step Irons
#Shing Mun Leisure Deck
Related Trails
#Pineapple Dam Nature Trail
#War Relics Trail (Shing Mun)
#MacLehose Trail (Section 6)Tai Po Road to Shing Mun
#MacLehose Trail (Section 7)Shing Mun to Lead Mine Pass
#Wilson Trail (Section 6) Tai Po Road to Shing Mun Reservoir
#Wilson Trail (Section 7)Shing Mun Reservoir to Yuen Tun Ha
Shing Mun Country Park Visitor Centre
Butterfly Garden
Waterside Paperbarks
Tai Shing Stream
Memorial Stone of Wilson Trail
Shing Mun Leisure Deck
Overlooking Shing Mun Reservoir
Shing Mun (Jubillee) Reservoir Upper Reservoir Main Dam (Grade 1 Historic Building)
Shing Mun (Jubilee) Reservoir Upper Reservoir Memorial Stone (Declared Monument)
Memorial Stone of Sir David Trench Fund for Recreation
Shing Mun Redoubt