Shing Mun Country Park (Paperbark Tree Forest) Accessible Route
Accessible Route

Trail Summary

3.8 km
2 hours
Central New Territories
Overall Difficulty (2-Star Moderate)

Length (Rating 1-Star)

Duration (Rating 2-Star)

Gradient (Rating 2-Star)

Surface (Rating 1-Star)

Shading Level
(3 green leaves represent high shading level)

  • (Medium)

Overall Rating (5 hearts is the highest)

(Rating 4-Heart)

Completed in 1936, Shing Mun Reservoir was named Jubilee Reservoir to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of King George V of the United Kingdom.  Starting at a refreshment kiosk with accessible toilets nearby, this route follows a tree-shaded path and leads up and down.  Along this well-shaded path in spring and summer, you will be greeted by butterflies fluttering around and dancing jovially – the more commonly seen and easily noticeable are Punchinello, which like to flutter around its larval foodplant Maesa perlarius.  You will also catch sight of macaques jumping around along the forest tracks or eating fruit and leaves on trees.  The vegetation in the surroundings is another attraction that will make your eyes glitter with admiration and amazement – the purple corolla of Callicarpa nudiflora, the reflection of the greenery on the opposite shore in the reservoir, and the tall upright paperbark trees beckoning.  Indeed, it is as if you were stepping into a fairyland when strolling along the road between the lines of paperbark trees.  In short, the flora and fauna of the short journey will surely put you at ease.

Points to note:
1)The footpath alongside Shing Mun Road leading to the country park is rather narrow and not barrier free. Users may need to use Shing Mun Road in certain sections when heading for the country park. Thus, people with mobility disability are advised to take a taxi to the minibus station at the Pineapple Dam and set off your journey (1 km and 0.5 hr less).  The road condition of the footpath along Shing Mun Road can be viewed from the photos.
2)Shing Mun Road is busy on Sundays and Public Holidays.
3)The elevation along Shing Mun forest track varies from 1:8-1:6 (~7-9 degree).
4) Do not feed macaques and wild pigs. Store your food and drinks properly, and have them hidden from view. Avoid plastic bags as the macaques may snatch the food from you.
5) Return at Paperbark Tree Forest.
6) If you need to recharge your wheelchair, please contact AFCD staff at Country Park Management Office during office hour.
7) Extended reading and experience sharing: Oasistrek/ Trailwatch /Wheel Power Challenge  

Transportation Information

Start Point
Take public transport to "Ho Fung College" bus stop.
Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB) routes -  32, 36, 36R, 40P, 40S, 40X, 46P, 46X, 47A, 47X, 48X, 73P, 73X, 936, N36, N48, 234C, 273C, 273P, 278A, 278P, 278X, 936A and R936

End Point
Transportation same as start point

The transportation information provided in this website is for reference only. Please check the updated transportation information from the websites of Transport Department and relevant transport utilities before setting off.

HKeMobility web page

Route Map

The map below shows the route and scenic spots along the hiking trail.
For details, please refer to the transportation information above and photos below.

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